Northeast Athletic Center Commitment
As of January 1, 2022
The safety of our customers has always been our top priority. As we continue amending the original Phase 2.1 of the Re-Open Connecticut process, there are a few things we can both do to help each other provide a safe environment. The following is subject to change at the direction of NAC Management and the Governor of Connecticut, and will updated as new information is passed along. The most up-to-date facility information will always be found on our website. We cannot wait to see you!
Our Commitment to You
Increased daily cleaning and sanitation throughout the facility with our hospital grade cleaning solution.
Installed additional hand sanitizer locations.
Completely sanitized the crumb-rubber across the full field.
Had the inside of all ducts and vents be completely cleaned out to ensure fresher air.
Installed Merv-13 air filters to minimize particle spread.
Your Commitment to Us
Do NOT come to the facility if you are SICK!
Masks are not required to be worn while inside the Northeast Athletic. In addition, you should always practice social distancing, when possible, throughout the facility.
No congregating in common areas of the facility.
We encourage drop-offs at this time. If you are a spectator at the Northeast Athletic Center, please make sure to wear your mask at all times.
Please respect the rules and limitations set forth above. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us via info@northeastathleticcenter.com. We reserve the right to deny service if these conditions cannot be met for the safety of everyone.